Happy Mawlid Festivity to all ESL customers and Employees

በሀገራችንና እና በውጭ ሀገራት ኢባትሎ በሚሰራባቸው የስራ መስኮች ላይ ተሰማርታችሁ ሀገራ

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Happy New Year to all customers and Ethiopians

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Company wishes to all its customers and Ethiopians a happy new year. May 2017 E.C. be the year were all your wishes c

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Happy Eid Al-Adha to all ESL employees and Customers

ESL wishes all customers, agents and employees a happy Eid Al-Adha holiday.

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Happy Eid Al-Fitr Holiday to all Muslims

ESL wishes all customers, agents and employees a happy Eid Al-Fitr holiday.

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ኢትዮጵያ የባሕር በር የምታገኝበትን የመግባቢያ ስምምነት ተፈረመ

ኢትዮጵያ ወደብ ለማልማት ከሶማሊላንድ ጋር ያደረገችው ታሪካዊ ስምምነት እንዳስደሰታቸው የ

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ESLSE Received New Port Operation Machineries Procured With Financial Credit Assistance of World Bank

The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise has received 49 port operations machineries from the Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority on

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ኢባትሎአድ በዓለም ባንክ የብድር ድጋፍ የተገዙ አዳዲስ የወደብ ማሽነሪዎችን ርክክብ ፈጸመ

የኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት ከዓለም ባንክ በተገኘ ብድ

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ኢባትሎአድ የ2013 የምርት ዘመን የአፈር ማዳበሪያን ለማጓጓዝ የቅድመ ዝግጅት ስራዎችን እያከናወነ ነው፡፡

ኢባትሎአድ የ2013 የምርት ዘመን የአፈር ማዳበሪያ ከመጫኛ ወደብ እስከ ሀገር ውስጥ መዳረሻ ለ

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Happy Mawlid for ESLSE Customers and Employees

ESLSE wishes a happy festival for all customers and employees.

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ለ2012/13 የግብርና ወቅት ወደ 1.5ሚሊዮን ቶን የሚጠጋ የአፈር ማዳበሪያ ላጓጓዙ አካላት የዕውቅና እና የምስጋና ስነ-ስርዓት ተካሄደ

የኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት ከግብርና ሚኒስቴር ጋር በ

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Happy Meskel Holiday for ESLSE Customers and Employees

ESLSE will like to wish all customers and Employees to have a wonderful Meskel Holiday.

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በድርጅቱ በያዝነው የክረምት ወቅት ከ22 ሽ በላይ ችግኞች ተተከሉ

የኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት የዋናው መ/ቤት እና ቅ/ጽ/ቤ

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ለአስመጪ ደንበኞቻችን በሙሉ፡-

አንዳንድ አስመጪዎች ከውጭ ሐገር በኮንቴይነር ተጓጉዞ የመጣ ዕቃን ከተረከባችሁ በኋላ ዕቃ

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ኢባትሎአድ ለሞጆ ከተማ አስተዳደር ባደረገው ድጋፍ የተሰራ የቴክኒክ ወርክ-ሾፕ ተመረቀ

የኢትዮጵያ የባሕር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት ለሞጆ ከተማ አስተዳደር ባ

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በድርጅቱ የአረንጓዴ አሻራ የችግኝ ተከላ መርሃ ግብር ተጀመረ

የኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት ዋና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ አቶ ሮ

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የቃሊቲ የየብስ ትራንስፖርት ቅ/ጽ/ቤት የካይዘን ትግበራ አፈጻጸም ተሞክሮ ለውድድር ቀረበ

በኢትዮጵያ የካይዘን ኢንስቲትዩት አማካኝነት በአገር አቀፍ ደረጃ የተሻለ የካይዘን አፈጻጸ

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በባህር ትራንስፖርት ማጓጓዣ ዋጋ ላይ የተደረገ ማሻሻያ

የኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ብሎም

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ለድርጅቱ የመርከብ ሰራተኞች የኮሮና ቫይረስ ምርመራ ተደረገ

በኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት ለመርከብ ሰራተኞች የኮሮ

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በቃሊቲ ወደብና ተርሚናል ቅ/ጽ/ቤት የኮሮና ቫይረስ (COVID 19) ወረርሽኝን ለመከላከል በተጠናከረ ሁኔታ እየተሰራ መሆኑ ተገለጸ

በኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት በቃሊቲ ወደብና ተርሚናል

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Notification to customer and Employees of ESLSE

ESLSE assures provision of reliable and efficient logistics services on the usual working hours against the global Corona virus troubles.

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Happy Easter Holiday

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise wishes all a happy Easter holiday.


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በሞጆ ወደብና ተርሚናል ቅ/ጽ/ቤት የኮሮና ቫይረስን (COVID 19) ወረርሽኝ ለመከላከል የሚያስችል የኬሚካል ርጭት አካሄደ

በኢትዮጵያ የባህር ትራንስፖርትና ሎጅስቲክስ አገልግሎት ድርጅት በሞጆ ወደብና ተርሚናል የ

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Let's protect ourselves from corona!!!

Let's protect ourselves from corona!!! እራሳችንን እንጠብቅ ግንዛቤ እናስፋ!

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Merry Christmas to all Ethiopians!

Ethiopian Shipping and logistics services enterprise wishes you a merry Christmas. May joy and peace be yours during this holiday.
Merry Chris

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Notification to customers who can collect container refund

A customer whose name is in the list should bring the following documents to former MTSE building 3rd floor finance room no. 307 (for multimodal oper

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The First Phase of the Implementation of Kaizen Started

The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise, Department of Change Management, has been arranging and conducting training on the b

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The Enterprise six month bi-annual Management Meeting Held

The six month bi-annual management meeting of the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise is held from March 10 – 11/2018

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The Enterprise Signed a Collective Labor Agreement with Employees Association

The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise and its employees association have signed the collective labor agreement which expec

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The Public Relations Professionals and Media Institutions Visited ESLSE

Two days official visit have been conducted at ESLSE head office and branch offices, by the Federal State Public Relations professionals and

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